My mom has been in the hospital the past few day's so I thought I'd start my blog with a great recipe that she has shared with my sister and I!! Everyone LOVES these cookies,but she only makes them during Christmas. I've begun making them throughout the year for her and for family and pretty much anyone who will eat them they are THAT good. Who doesn't love a good chocolate chip cookie recipe!
- Preheat oven 375 degrees
- Combine flour,baking soda,and salt in a small bowl.
- Beat butter,granulated sugar,brown sugar and vanilla extract in a large mixing bowl until creamy.
- Add eggs, one at a time,beating them well after each addition.
- Gradually beat in flour mixture.
- Stir in chocolate chips and nuts (if you want nuts in yours add them I did not add any)
If you want them to be thicker just don't spread them as thin there pretty thick the way that we do them though.
Then set your timer for 10 minutes
I always set it for 10 minutes then watch it for the next five checking on them occasionally. You want them to be golden brown on the top all over,this part I usually have to call my mom and ask what color golden brown because I always forget haha.
There so thick and gooey and amazingly yummy warm with a cold glass of milk during the winter and holidays I feel like I'm making them everyday twice a day because they get eaten so fast. I love love to bake and this is a great recipe. If you get them wrong on the first try don't worry! My first try I did not add the baking soda WORST COOKIES EVER. My boyfriend being the sweet guy that he is still wanted to eat them,but i was like NO I will make more haha.